Sunday, January 22, 2012

Mental Illness Isn't Abnormal’t-abnormal-–-it’s-part-of-being-human/

1. One in four experience mental health problems.

2. A person with a mental health problem is a normal human being.

3. Anyone can gain a mental health problem in their life span.

4. Those with mental health problems shouldn't have any prejudice towards them.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Charles Blow's View on Society

Charles Blow presents his view on mostly economic factors in the United States and weaves in Political issues and candidacy to his topic. Charles's general position on the Republican politicians, running for candidacy in 2012, is that they use economic factors about minorities to further their platforms; however, he disagrees with their statements. Although Blow recognizes that the Republicans, such as Gingrich, do address main issues such as Black welfare, he also acknowledges that politicians will use the emotional "chord" of Occupy Wall Street to further their platforms, but not the actual issue that young generations are protesting about. Gingrich also criticizes that the Republican party candidates believe that the poor and Blacks should not be given money to help with daily living, but they should instead be given "opportunities". He satirizes this by mentioning how many houses each candidate may have by the speculation of their general income in comparison to the poor and Black that they are talking about. Overall, blow believes that the economic factors in America are supposed to be moving towards equality in his agreement towards Occupy Wall Street, and that the Republican candidates, such as Gingrich and Santorum, are ignorant to the actual need of money in the poorer areas of the country. Through these editorials, one can conclude that Blow is in opposition to the claims of the Republican party and candidates in this election year, and that the poor should have a more equal income to the rest of the country due to the unfairness in taxes which arose in the Occupy Wall Street protests. Finally, one can assume that Blow is not a democrat because of his thesis in "Newt's War on Poor Children", that the Republican Party is becoming void of compassion.