Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Civil Union Death

Visual Rhetoric:
Many scars on the face
A red bruised eye
Short blonde hair
A hand on her shoulder
Open mouth

This visual rhetoric is shown to give the image of this lesbian woman who suffered the death of her partner and also many injuries to herself. Not only is she suffering with emotional and physical injuries, but also she is trying to win a wrongful death lawsuit for her dead "spouse", but it is not able to go through because civil unions are not recognized in Indiana.
The caption reiterates that Alisha is emotional. The argument of this picture is to show the emotions of Alisha and that she is suffering so many hardships and cannot receive the normal treatment just because she is gay. Gay rights would be the ultimate purpose for this picture.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Israel Editorial

The editor believes that Obama has not handled the Israeli-Palestinian issue well. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not a difficult concept to grasp, however it will never be easily solved because of long lasting religious relationships with the land that is Jerusalem. Obama believes that negotiations are the only way to settle this, but he also believes in two states. This isn't possible to negotiate because both Israelis and Palestinians want the same nebulously defined plot of land. The Israeli Prime Minister should not ignore advice of negotiations because it will hopefully lead to peace.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Chicago Tribune - Depression Summary

People with depression are not telling their doctors about their symptoms. The most common reason why they aren't is because they don't want to use antidepressants. Depression is a mental disorder and depression symptoms are not known well. Another reason patients aren't telling their doctors is that they don't believe that doctors should be handling emotions. 10% said that they don't want to be recommended to go to see a psychiatrist. A common factor in those who wouldn't speak to his or her doctor was being a female, lower income, Hispanic, and with less education.